Weather With You

Concept for the “Borders” Theme:

Borders are transitory and permeable; as we travel through these transitions we maintain our identity, and yet we are still influenced by this transition.  There are many parallels between this concept and the weather on our planet Earth, i.e. a force of nature that is transitory and permeable yet has influence on our psyche.  It is this concept that led to us choosing the song “Weather With You” and one that we are pleased to perform for Arts Under The Stars 2017.

Implementation through Multimedia:

Our relationship to the Channel Islands is strong here at CI; as a demonstration of this, we’ll be displaying photography from Santa Rosa Island captured by our Art students while Weather With You is being performed.  The images will display some of the objects, creatures and symbols of nature that have transcended the border of the seascape that separates the mainland from the island.  A group of musicians representing CI faculty, staff and students will unite to harmonize the multimedia with our connection to nature and its weather.

Let’s Meet Our Performers:

Craig Bickel, faculty in the Music Program: piano
Heather Castillo, faculty in the Dance / Performing Arts: tap percussionist
Matt Cook, faculty and Head of Public Outreach at Broome Library: acoustic guitar
Dave Daniels, staff for the Academic Senate and Instructionally Related Activities Committee: lead vocals and guitar
Pete Drieske, Contractor for NASA: bass guitar
Matt Furmanski, faculty in the Art Program: lead photographer, acoustic guitar
Jonas Lee, student in the Music Program: conga

Mia De Paula, staff for multiple programs including Anthropology, ESRM and Sociology: drums
Jennifer Perry, faculty in Anthropology Program: vocals


A few sample images you might see on a large video display backdrop screen:


Santa Rosa Island: Transcending Borders